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Final Fantasy 14-based TV drama has a pretty terrible name

The MMO inspires a touching, if poorly named, story

Warriors of Light ride chocobos in a large grassy field in Final Fantasy 14: A Realm Reborn Square Enix

A Japanese television series featuring Final Fantasy 14 will premiere April 28. Inspired by a true story of a family who bonded through the fantasy role-playing MMO, the show has a ... rather peculiar title: Final Fantasy 14: Daddy of Light.

Based on Japanese news site Model Press’ description of the drama, however, the name actually makes a bit of sense. Daddy of Light stars a father-son pair who fall head over heels in love with Final Fantasy 14. Despite their generational differences, both men find common ground with the online game, bringing them closer together.

The father-son pair that star in Daddy of Light.
Final Fantasy 14: Daddy of Light Production Committee

Daddy of Light is the first time that Final Fantasy has been the subject of a live-action TV series, according to Model Press. Although Final Fantasy 14 is mostly a plot point in the intimate human drama, it’s still a new, high-profile stage for Square Enix’s long-running franchise.

Final Fantasy 14: Daddy of Light will air on Japanese station TBS, but whether it will run on American television is unknown. Fans will have to make do with playing Final Fantasy 14 with their own parents on PlayStation 4 or Windows PC instead.

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