JoJo’s Bizarre Adventure: Shining Diamond’s Demonic Heartbreak puts that sort of situation front and center, due to this spin-off manga starring former DIO ally Hol Horse as he aids someone who can’t go to the Speedwagon Foundation for help.
Even with the trauma DIO inflicted still causing trouble in the real world and influencing those who worked alongside him, the decision to have Hol Horse as the JoJo’s Bizarre Adventure: Shining Diamond’s Demonic Heartbreak greatly helps the tone of the book.
As JoJo’s Bizarre Adventure: Shining Diamond’s Demonic Heartbreak begins, that man’s mother turns to Hol Horse to find the missing bird.
Especially since early on, the JoJo’s Bizarre Adventure: Shining Diamond’s Demonic Heartbreak manga takes care to focus on what it must have been like for people like Hol Horse, Mariah, Billie Jean, Oingo, and Boingo.