There may be many Xbox fans who will want to come in and claim that Japanese games and support are too niche to matter anyway- however, they would be wrong, as the persistent success of Japanese games (two of the three highest rated games this year are Japanese, and most major game releases of the year are Japanese), and Microsoft’s own repeated concessions that Japanese games matter (which is why Phil Spencer keeps going to Japan to solicit Japanese creators for Xbox, why he openly admitted he would like games like Persona and Nier on the system, and why Microsoft spends time on Japanese games like Dark Souls, DragonBall FighterZ, and Final Fantasy on stage each E3) are evidence of that.
Japanese games matter, and Xbox does not have enough of those- Microsoft needs to address this problem, and it needs to do so fast.
The Xbox One is left with nothing, outside of admittedly high profile support from Bandai Namco and Capcom.
Microsoft also has a minimum order quantity for their games, and their whole structure isn’t really geared toward niche games or smaller games like Japanese titles, so they’re not really supportive of Japanese games or developers.”