The Xbox One may be lagging behind the PlayStation 4 in terms of lifetime sales, but research from the research firm IDC suggests the two newest versions of the consoles, the Xbox One X and PlayStation 4 Pro, are nearly tied for holiday season interest.
The IDC’s research director of gaming and VR/AR Lewis Ward tells The Financial Post however that the research firm suggests the Xbox One X will help Microsoft close that gap.
That same data shows that the PlayStation 4 Pro and Xbox One X have captured roughly the same amount of interest, with 22.2 percent eyeing the PS4 Pro and 21.6 percent looking to pick up an Xbox One X. Meanwhile, the IDC estimates that the basic PlayStation 4 Slim only has the attention of 13.5 percent of shoppers with the Xbox One coming in behind that at 7.7 percent.
According to The Financial Post, this holiday bump following the Xbox One X’s November launch could be what Microsoft needs to start catching up with Sony’s current-generation console sales and give the Xbox One brand some additional momentum.