Capcom’s recent financial results include a mysterious reference to the company’s plans for the Resident Evil series Spotted by NeoGAF user Chobel, Capcom’s most recent Investor reports tease at a “full-scale offensive” for the Resident Evil series, possibly indicating the release of at least one more Resident Evil game (besides the upcoming Umbrella Corps) before the end of the financial year on March 31 2017: “In the fiscal year ending March 31, 2017, the Company is scheduled to release […]
Resident Evil Umbrella Corps (for PlayStation 4 and PC) of the Resident Evil series, which marked its 20th anniversary in March 2016, as warm up to the full-scale offensive planned for the second half of the year.”
Resident Evil: Umbrella Corps will be released on June 21, just a week after E3 – hopefully we’ll hear more about that “offensive” at the show.
Capcom is currently developing a full remake of Resident Evil 2.